Sunday, June 16, 2013

Knee Pain In The Calf Causes Feel A Cramp Coming

A cramp is an extremely painful muscle contraction affects the upper or lower leg. Dehydration, nutritional deficiencies and certain medications can cause cramps. However, if you experience knee pain much like the feeling of cramp in your calf, you may be suffering from other disease severe. Talk to your doctor for a diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Muscle tension is one of the major causes of a cramp. In terms of the calf, may be at a voltage of one of two muscles: the gastrocnemius muscle and the soleus muscle. The gastrocnemius muscle is the muscle that you can see in the back of the calf. The soleus muscle is below this and thus not visible. If any of the two muscles are stressed, may result in spasm. Also, both the soleus and the gastrocnemius muscle largest connected with the knee joint. Therefore, the tension in one or both muscles can produce knee pain.

The overuse of a muscle can cause cramps. Overuse is also a common cause of knee pain. Reduce the amount of exercise you do can help relieve pain and prevent injury intensify, which may reduce the feeling of an impending cramp. Relax with inward exercises and outward heating and cooling may be beneficial. Do more swimming and cycling stressful activities like running, can help. Please ask your doctor for more advice on dealing with overuse injuries. You can suggest remedies such as losing weight, using shoe inserts or modify your exercises.

An inadequate blood supply caused by reduced blood flow to the calves is another possible cause of muscle cramps. The cramps usually occur during exercise when blood circulation is required further. These types of cramps should go away stop exercise. A common reason for having blood circulation problems can also cause leg or knee pain is a disease, peripheral vascular disease. A disease peripheral vascular circulatory disorder is a progressive, as the disease Buerger, chronic venous insufficiency and thrombophlebitis. Cramps in the calf is one of the first symptom often experienced by people with such disorders.

Excessive tension in the calf or thigh muscles is a suspected cause of shin splints. If your muscles are tense, you feel as if your calves were about to cramp. When strained calf or tendons of muscles, also may increase the risk of runner's knee, or pain in the front of your knee. Runner's knee is a broad term that can be related to several causes. If your cause is the tight calf muscle, calf stretching can reduce stress to relieve knee pain and knots in your muscles. Have a fitness expert shows you stretches calves.